3 Benefits Of Modern Biophilic Office Design

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Today, office design has a positive impact on both operational effectiveness and employee health as well. So, AZ Arch will make clear to you one of the trends of office design in 2022, called Biophilia, and the benefits of Modern Biophilic Office Design.

The term “biophilia”, means love of living beings in ancient Greek. The time was first used by psychologist Erich Fromm in 1973. It was then popularized by biologist Edward O. Wilson in 1984 when he discovered that urbanization makes humans people lose connection with nature.

So what is Biophilia? Biophilia is connecting people with nature to improve their quality of life. And Biophilia design is about bringing features of the natural world into built spaces, such as water, trees, natural light, elements like wood and stone. The use of plants is a key feature of “biophilic design”.

benefits of modern biophilic office design.

Improve employee health

Did you know that bringing plants into the office can greatly enhance the quality of the air? According to research from Norway’s Agricultural University in Oslo, plants can eliminate dangerous volatile organic chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene that are present in most buildings’ paint, carpet, and furniture. According to studies, plants can raise air quality by up to 75%!

Because breathing dry air can irritate delicate membranes in the nose and throat, making workers more susceptible to viruses and allergies, these hazardous substances may increase the likelihood that workers will become ill. However, adding more plants will assist the office release water vapor back into the air and lessen the likelihood that workers will become ill and need to miss work.

AZ arch thinks that you should consider the benefits of Modern Biophilic Office Design for your employee’s health and well-being in the workplace.

benefits of modern biophilic office design

A biophilic office helps improve employee health

benefits of modern biophilic office design

The biophilic office brings green space to the workplace

Increase work productivity

Biophilic design in the office helps to purify the air, increase the oxygen in the workplace, as well as increase the concentration level of employees. In addition, according to a study by a Cornell University professor “Employees who sit near windows with natural light will optimize productivity by 2% more than other employees.” This is so that workers can be encouraged to think creatively and innovatively by the biophilic design, which can enhance important cognitive functions. In short, when people are closer to nature, the spirit is more comfortable, thereby working more effectively.

Increase work productivity

A biophilic office helps increase work productivity

Bring high aesthetics to the office

One of the benefits of the Modern Biophilic Office Design trend is aesthetics. A green office with many plants, friendly materials, and optimal natural light will make an impression the first time when customers come to the office. In addition, the biophilic design will make the office look like a miniature garden, not the rigid traditional office before.

Bring high aesthetics to the office

Bring high aesthetics to the office

A beautiful office facilitates employee creativity

It’s vital to remember that nature will also make the office look much more appealing than one that is simple, lacks natural light, and has no aesthetically pleasing foliage to look at. Nature not only has a beneficial impact on health and welfare as well as staff productivity.

In addition to attracting fresh talent and making them want to work for you, having a deliberately planned workspace that is full of natural light and greenery looks suitable for current employees and attracts them into the office.

Enhance Air Quality

They accomplish this by turning carbon dioxide into oxygen. Additionally, they transpire via their leaves, increasing the humidity in the air, which is great for preventing dry air, a common issue in air-conditioned offices.

Additionally, VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that are present in some carpet fibers, frequently used in household cleaning products, and released by electronics are all absorbed by plants.

Potential new employees will perceive through the biophilic aspects that the company cares about the health and well-being of its employees, which will enhance the company’s reputation. A more professional image may even persuade young talent to choose your company over one with an office that appears more drab, boring, and devoid of biophilic components to increase employee morale.

Contact AZ Arch right away if you’re prepared to apply these office architecture ideas to your construction. We created our own functional office space from the ground up in addition to designing a large number of spaces for our municipal and hospital clients. AZ Arch thinks that design, particularly in workplace settings, can be a potent force for good. You can also send us an email if you’d want additional information about our office design portfolio.

Contact Information

AZ Construction Architectural Investment Co. Ltd

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/az-architectsvn/

Website: www.azarchitectsvn.com 

Email: info@azarchitectsvn.com

Tel: 028 627 11168 – Mobile: 0901447678

Address: 47/11 Nguyen Van Dau Street, Ward 6, Binh Thanh District, HCM City


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